Jeffersonville Time: ...

Dear One Great Body Of Christ,

What is taking place today? God’s Word is being fulfilled. The days the Bride has long awaited for are now being manifested before our very eyes. The days God’s prophet warned us were coming, are now here.

A Seal is opened. What is that? A mystery is unfolded. See? And when a mystery unfolds, then a trumpet sounds. It declares a war. A plague falls, and a church age opened.

  • Russia
  • War
  • Communism
  • Oil
  • Plagues

When Russia goes down there to get that oil, look out.

Russia, communism, isn’t conquering nothing. God’s Word can’t fail. Romanism is going to conquer the world.

The Angel of destruction is holding the hand of Russia, with the atomic bombs; until the Church comes together, and one great Body of Christ. “I can’t do nothing till you come hither.” Oh, if that isn’t a blessed assurance!

The Church, His Bride, is coming together from around the world as One Great Body of Christ, listening to God speak and reveal His Word. We see the Word being fulfilled in the world around us, but we also see the Word being fulfilled and manifested in us.

We are receiving stimulation by Revelation like never before as these prophecies are being fulfilled.

The world is in panic and fear. They are waiting, watching and wondering, what will happen next? What does tomorrow hold?

What does this all mean? Is Russia going to take over? What about the economy?

Meanwhile, the Bride is at PEACE. WE’RE RESTING, filled with His Holy Spirit, listening to Him speak through His great mighty angel as He tells us: Don’t fear anything my little flock, you are my chosen sweetheart. You are:

The chosen before the foundation of the world. Amen! And they are faithful to the Word. Amen! Whew! I like that one. “Called, chosen, before the foundation of the world.” And then, faithful to the Word, by their choosing, all stimulated with new wine and Oil, just riding right along, coming down to meet him. They know the Thunders will issue the thing for us, pretty soon.

He recognizes that we are faithful to His Word. We have done it by our own choosing. Now we’re just riding right along, knowing the Thunders will issue the thing for us pretty soon, and He will come and take us to our New Home.

There is even more he wants us to know. Something just burning right in his heart he wants to tell us. He can’t hardly wait as he knows it will give us Stimulation. By the grace of God, He let His prophet see us, his people, on the other side with him. He said, “When I saw you, you were all in WHITE ROBES.”

We had been gathered with him. We picked him up and set him way up on a big high thing. We told him, “on earth, you were our leader”.

There were millions of us running up to him and hugging him and calling him “brother”. All at once a Voice from above spoke and said, “These people are your converts that you have led. You will be judged by what you have told them”.

The prophet spoke out and said, “If Paul’s group goes in, so will mine, ’cause I’ve preached exactly the same Word.” And we all screamed out ALL AT ONCE, WITH ONE VOICE:

“We’re resting on That!”

Praise the Name of the Lord, we are resting on every Word He spoke through His prophet. We will be judged by that Word. We were the prophet’s people. He was our leader that led us to Christ. We all had on White Robes. We weren’t resting on what someone said he said, or what someone said it meant, we were resting on every Word he said.

What a day and time to be living in, Bride. If you hear the news today, you’ll know what happened yesterday. Press Play, and you’ll hear what is going to happen tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day, and the next day.

Come gather together with One Great Body Of Christ at 12:00 P.M., Jeffersonville time, as we hear: The Fifth Seal 63-0322. No wondering, no hoping, but KNOWING you are hearing the pure THUS SAITH THE LORD from the Voice of God for our day.

Bro. Joseph Branham




Scriptures to read before hearing the Message:

Daniel 9:20-27
Acts 15:13-14
Romans 11:25-26
Revelation 6:9-11 / 11:7-8 / 22:8-9